Automatic Deployment on GitHub Pages

Automatic Deployment on GitHub Pages with Travis CI and VueJs.



  1. How to quickly set up a build process for a static site

Deploy the entire app at a sub-path

Create the file "vue.config.js" in the project root, in same the level that package.json, with the following:

module.exports = {
  baseUrl: '/yoursubfolder/'
  1. Hosting from a subdirectory
  2. vue.config.js

Deploying a subfolder to GitHub Pages

  1. Deploying a subfolder to GitHub Pages
  2. Deploying your JS App to Github Pages the easy way (or not)
  3. Git: How to push dist directory to a separate branch of the same repository

Alan Becker Capuyá

From ONG's to enrepeneurism, in love with tech and innovation, I'm looking to be part of the social revolution seeking a better world.